Uniform and PE Kit:
Our uniform is very simple and most items can be bought very cheaply at the local supermarkets. Please make sure your child’s belongings are clearly labelled.
- Burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan with our school logo (only available from school)
- White school polo t-shirt or school shirt
- Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
- Black sensible school shoes
- Summer dress in school colours
Once you have started at Leas Park, you will be given the PE day for your child's class. On this day every week, your child must come to school wearing their PE kit, which is: -
- Black or navy shorts
- Plain white t-shirt
- Joggers and tracksuit top/hoodie (any colour)
- Trainers
Jewellery should not be worn to school, with the exception of a watch (not a smartwatch) and small plain silver or gold stud earrings, which will need to be removed or covered during PE lessons. This is due to Health and Safety and the possibility of loss, damage or injury.